Mrs. S Braund
I was born in Rome, Italy. I came to Canada in 1965. I graduated at
Summerland Secondary School and received my Bachelor of Education at UBC in Vancouver. I have been teaching now for 36 years. Three years in Vancouver and 33 years now at St. Joseph. I have taught grade 2s, 3s, 4s, as well as 3 combine classes. My favourite subjects are math and art. I live on a hobby farm with with my husband and six animals. A Doberman named Scooby, Sheba, a Pomeranian, one cat Ariel, and three horses Pandora, Sundance and Zaddie. You can ask any of my students which animal is my favourite for they will know as soon as they meet me. I enjoy drawing (especially cartoon animals), horse back riding, solving puzzles and quilting.
Vision for My Class
I truly believe that the only limitations children have are the ones that adults place on them. We do a number of things throughout the school day that teach children to be self-sufficient, life-long learners. Visitors might describe my class as "highly organized chaos!" Every child has a task to complete that is appropriate for his/her own level and area of interest. My number one hope for all of my students is that my classroom only serves as a starting point for all of the things they will learn in their lifetime.

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